Tag: mentoring

Book Review: Mentoring Student Teachers and Interns by Logan Rutten

Mentoring Student Teachers and Interns: Strategies for Engaging, Relating, Supporting, and Challenging Future Educators by Lyman, Foyle, Morehead, Schwerdtfeger, & Lyman (2017) provides a broad orientation to mentoring pre-service teachers. The book is appropriate for AJE Forum readers interested in practices and policies related to pre-service teacher education or teacher pipeline issues. In ten chapters the

Stability and Change of Mentoring Practices in a Capricious Policy Environment: Opening the “Black Box of Institutionalization,” by Virginie März, Geert Kelchtermans, and Xavier Dumay

  Over the last decades, mentoring practices–as one form of teacher induction–were established as a way to help beginning teachers overcome difficulties during the first years of their career and to keep them in the profession. Yet, although these practices had already existed informally, in many countries one could witness its formalization: mentor preparation programs

Photons and students by Sakiko Ikoma

In physics, light has the properties of both a particle and a wave. When we consider light as a particle, we call it a photon. During my graduate study in physics, I did experiments to explore the dynamic structure of water molecules. In order to understand behavior of water molecules, I aimed a laser beam