Tag: online education

AJE Feature | Brookings: Education Plus Development blog “Do cyber charter schools harm public education for the most disadvantaged?” by David Baker and Bryan Mann

This week Brookings published an Education Plus Development blog written by David Baker and Bryan Mann about their study, “Cyber Charter Schools and Growing Resource Inequality among Public Districts: Geospatial Patterns and Consequences of a Statewide Choice Policy in Pennsylvania, 2002–2014”, which was published in the American Journal of Education in February 2019. The pandemic

Stop allowing Wal-Mart versions of public schools by Bryan Mann

  Shopping at Wal-Mart provides the benefit of low prices, but often at the sacrifice of quality. For example, if one wants to purchase a premier suit or dress, he or she will likely receive higher quality by getting it personally tailored. The same rings true when the quality of fast food is compared to