Tag: professionalism

Promoting Teacher Professionalism: Lessons Learned from Portland’s Professional Learning Based Salary Schedule, by Rachael B. Lawrence

In 2007, Portland Educational Association and Portland Public Schools in Maine negotiated a new salary schedule, designed to promote teacher professional learning and increase their lifetime earnings. This “Professional Learning Based Salary Schedule” (PLBSS) is a departure from the traditional single salary schedule. Instead of rewarding teachers for “growing older and getting another degree” (interview,

Getting accountability right within a systems approach to school reform by Mavis Sanders

My February 2014 AJE article, “Principal Leadership for School, Family, and Community Partnerships,” raises questions about accountability in reforming districts and schools. Specifically, what is the optimal balance of district-level supports and accountability needed to maximize the buy-in of key school actors such as principals? What are the effects of different district-level accountability strategies on school