Tag: social inequaility

Election Series | Narratives of Schooling in the United States During and After COVID-19 by Beth Howd, Logan Rutten, and Jeremy Singer

This is the second contribution in the AJE Forum Election Issues series. Together, these pieces will introduce and analyze relevant issues in education policy and politics that will shape the 2020 Presidential election including the politics of school choice, Black Lives Matter and social justice, reopening schools during a pandemic, prioritizing funding for students with

Pandemic Series | A Closer Look at Five Prevailing Educational Narratives during the COVID-19 Pandemic by Megan E. Lynch

In this piece, Megan Lynch, Ph.D. candidate, and teacher educator at Penn State, examines the different narratives of educators during the pandemic and problematizes how these narratives can sustain educational and societal inequalities. In early March, as schools began closing all over the U.S., social media became flooded with posts and memes speculating concerns, potentials,