Call for submissions – Looking Forward: Reimagining Schooling for Social Justice and Equity During and Post the COVID Pandemic mini-series

The American Journal of Education Forum Editorial Board is excited to launch the Looking Forward: Reimagining Schooling for Social Justice and Equity During and Post the COVID Pandemic mini-series. We will accept submissions on a rolling basis. Preferences will be given to submissions that are submitted by June 30th. 

The pandemic has both perpetuated and shed a stark spotlight on long-standing educational inequities for Black and Brown Americans and other racial minorities, low-income Americans, students with (dis)abilities, LGBTQIA+ students, and other historically underserved populations. In this AJE Forum Mini-Series, We invite graduate students, academics, practitioners, activists, community members, and all those dedicated to transforming the PK-20 and adult education system to submit a brief (500 – 1000 word) essay on educational inequity and pandemic and how we might reimagine a more compassionate, equitable, and anti-racist education as schools and universities during and after COVID pandemic?

Some examples of topics that you might explore are listed below, BUT you may also write on any topic related to racial, economic, or other forms of inequity during or post COVID-19.

  1. Your experiences navigating remote learning and reopening during COVID
  2. Describing areas where inequality (e.g., in grading, instruction, physical infrastructure, technology, and transportation) that have become increasingly salient and/or perpetuated during COVID
  3. Addressing anti-Blackness and other forms of racial inequality in education and reopening
  4. Collective healing and addressing trauma
  5. What might a social justice oriented education look like in a post-COVID world?
  6. Proposing a research agenda related to social justice and equity post-COVID

Once you submit your essay for review, the editorial team will be in contact shortly and may request light edits or revisions. 

We especially encourage teachers, principals, district staff, and other practitioners to submit essays on their experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Please submit here.

Please email with any questions.